How To Build a Fire: The Definitive Easy to Follow Guide

Fire building might sound like one of the easiest things to do if you have not tried to build one. Everyone thinks they are expert fire builders until it is time to build an actual fire.  Building fires are important when you are on camping expeditions. This is because they not only keep you warm, but they can also keep dangerous animals away from your camp.  You can also build fires for indoor purposes too when you’re cold and there’s … Read More

How To Choose a Sleeping Bag: The Easy Way

Are you an adventurous person going through the woods, hiking mountains or just camping in locations far from home? More than 6 million North American households have started camping since 2014. This means there are a lot of campers who have had to think about the best possible way to make your expedition comfortable.  There are many ways to go about this but one of the most important ways to be comfortable is by having a sound sleep. As we … Read More

How To Use a Compass: The Definitive Easy 10 Step Guide​

If you must survive in the wilderness or an unknown terrain then you need a compass. However, having a compass is useless without knowledge of its use.  Hence, it is important to know how to use one. Having a compass and a topographical map of good quality will ensure you never get lost.  In fact, according to the New York State Department of Environment Conservation, you should never be going alone in the woods without a flashlight, bottle of water, … Read More