Best Camping Cot for a Bad Back – Our Top 5 Picks with a Buying Guide Included

You love camping, but sleeping on the ground is so uncomfortable. You got yourself a sleeping pad, but that’s still not really soft enough, and it makes your pack bulky.  Now what? Camping cots are a great outdoor alternative to traditional sleeping bags because they are raised off the floor, offering more support.  You won’t have to feel the hard ground and getting up won’t be as much of a pain.  There’s an additional benefit of not having to deal … Read More

Best Camping Mattress for Couples – The Top 5 Picks and a Buying Guide​

Going camping can be a really great experience for couples who enjoy the outdoors.  It’s a great way to pull yourself out of everyday life and really get to spend some quality time getting to know one another.  Being out in nature, away from regular distractions and technology, can be a great test for how well two people can work together.   This activity also forces two people to be trusting and look out for one another, while working together … Read More